Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Big CONGRATS to All Award Recipients!

Last night was awards night and we had a great turn out. Seeing as I am your librarian, I want to acknowledge the Library Award recipients for the 2012-2013 school year. Now, the Library Award is not simply a person who checks out books, but someone who is inquisitive and eager to learn and someone goes beyond the subject matter they learn in class. 

This year's awards go to Nick Zito and Areen Lulu. Both students show such wonderful promise and understand the importance of knowing how to think instead of just what to think. That goes a long way with me. Nick is a senior who focused much of his reading on non-fiction books. He will be pursuing a career in the army and criminal justice. Areen is our resident vampire book guru. She has read EVERY vampire book in the SCLA Library. Areen and I had some heated philosophical debates, some active and fun discussions regarding books, and she played an integral part in choosing titles for next year's orders. For that I thank her!

To those who received scholarships and awards last night: Keep.It.Up. You now have a responsibility to not only maintain that level of academic integrity, but encourage those around you. 

And for those who did not receive an award, Keep.Trying. If you feel as though you deserve something in life, go get it. Do not sit back and say "Oh well..." Be determined. Work hard. Come to school everyday and I can guarantee you will see results. Life is an everyday occurrence, not just when you feel like it.